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    Df Bedlam beggers, who with roaring voices, Harbour more craft.and more coirupter ends, An honeft mind and p!aiiu,hc muR fpcakc truth, Kent. Why Madam.if I were your Fathers dog, Whofe influence like the wreath of radiem fire On whofc imployment T was fent to you, <jU. The Duke's too blamein ibis, Poore petting Villages, Shcept-Qmes.and Milles, Thai's (bmcthing yet : Edgar \ nothing am. Exit. Crn. This i fome Fellow, But Aiax is there Foole- You fhall doe (mail refpch.<how too bold malice That cucr penury in contempt of man, a/ .Good King, that muft approue cite common (aw, "othewarme Sun. The King his'Mafter.needsmuft take it ill That by thy comfortable Beames 1 may Againft the Grace,and Perfon of my Mafter, Car. Ileanfwerethat. mend fo much; Iknow Sir,] am no flatterer, be thatbe- ftlanket my loines.clfeall my haires in knots, B'.e. Ineuer gsue him any: It pleas'd the King his Mailer very late Before me.at this inftant. And by the happy hollow of a Tree, Our Sifter fpeakes of. Come,bring away the Stocks. Cor. This is a Fellow ofthe (life fame colour, Kent. To go out of my dialed, which you difconv Quite from his Nature. He cannot flatter he, \pprt>3ch thou Beacon to this vnderGlobe. Tript me behind:being downe,infultcd,raiPd, Reg. My Sifter may rccieue it much more worffe, And put vpon him fuch a dealeofMan, Some time I (hall fleepe out,th reft He whiftle . Then ftands on any fhoulder that 1 Tee That guard, and moft vnufall vigilance Tor him attempting ,who was frlfe-fubdued, Reg. Till noone? till night my Lord ,and all nigtet coo. Should baue him thus reftrained. Then twenty filly ducking obferuants. Strike in their nurn'd and mortified Atmes. Gla. I am forry for thee fdend.'tis the Duke plcafurc, fo/w.Pray do not Sir.I haoc watch'd and trauail'd hard, Drew on me here againc. Thou out ofHeauens beocdi ftion com'ft I will preferuc myfelfe : and am bechoughc : conn this enormous Sttre.feeking to giue And not fad backc my MefTengers. difpleafurc to entreat me too't. Lofles their remedies .All weary and o're-wateh'd. To ftrike at me vpon his mifconftru&ion, EottrE^ar. >iue you good morrow. Smile once rnore,tume thy wheele. To tike the ba.fcfi.and moftpooreft fhape Cam. Come my Lord,away. ^*" And they will take it fo,if not, bee's plaine. You fhoutd not vfe mefo. Bfcap'd the hunt . N o P ort i i free,m> place >ini,Woddcn-prickes,Niyles,Sprig of Roferosrie : And with prefcnted nakedneffc out-face Kent. Sir,in good faith.in fincere verity, "Wlien he comparand flanering hUdifpleafure Stocking his Meflengcr. Who halh moO fortunately bcene infbrm'd Whofe difpofirion all the world well knowes Wec'l teach you. TO haue her Gentleman abus'd.affaulted. for my part 1 will not be, though J ihonld win your And in the flefhment of this dead exploit, The Windcs.indpcrfccutioosofthe tkie; "Who hauing beerw prais'd for bluntoeffif.do* afitd Corn. What mean'ft by this? You ftubborne ancient Knaue.you reuerent Bragart, Th Country giues me proofe,and prefident Carn. Fetch forth the Stocks ? Will not be rub'd nor ftopt.Ile entreat for thcc . iut miferie. I know 'tis from Cordeiix, Kent. Sir,I am tooold toleame : Thefe kind ofKnaues I know.which in this plainneffe TbeTragedieofQngLear J^g. Sir.beinghisKtuue.Iiwill. Stock; bnufbttut. Kent. None of thefe Rogues,end Cowards 5f rny obf cored courfc. Andfhall fade time That worthied him, got praifcs of the King, 'will be ill taken. Exit. (Sent. As I learn'd, And with this horrible obie6r,frofn low Farmes, Inforcetbeir charute : poore Tnrfygod,poote Tern, bdc. I heard my feife proclaimed, &atfr Learfoole t and Gentleman. Lea.'Tis (trange that they fhouldfo depart from home. Cent, fetch forth the Stocks; gnild you in a plaine accent, was a plaine Knaue, which As I haue life and Honour,there fhll he fit till"Noone. gio. Letmebefeech yourGrace^iottodofo, Sometimes with Lunaticke bins, fometiroe with Pr aim A good mans fortune may gtow out at hceles: This fharnctnll lodging. Fortune goodnight. Vnder th'allowancc of your great afped, On flicking Pbabw front. ?crufe this Letter. Nothing almoft fees miracles A faucy roughnes.and conftraines the garb Brought oecrc co bead; my face lie grime with filth, That lie fo flightly yalued in his Meflengcr, Corn. What was th'offence you gaue him? Call not your Stocks for me,I ferue the King. Do's not attend my taking. Whiles I may fcapt Take vantage hcauie eyes, nee to behold That ftretch their duties nicely.




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    When he is fit and (Won d for his paffage ? No. >. Aye me j what a#, that roares fo lowd, 8t thun- As kill a King, and marrie with his Brother. A Station, like the Herald Mercuric VpSword.and kuow thou a more horrid hem . New lighted on a heauen killing hill: Enter Hamlet. Where you may fee the inrnoQ part of yon ? When he it drunke afleepe : or in bis Rage, With all his Crimes broad blowne.asfreG) as May, Ham. NobytheRood,notfo: And that his Soule may be as damn'd aud blacke And rhat your Grace hath fcree'nd,and ftoode bctwerne But would you were not fo. You are my Mother. Pol. Whathoa.helpe.helpe.hclpe. Qu. lie warrant you.fearemenot. .Qa.. Haue you forgot roe/ Enttr Hamlet. HOT). A bloody deed,almo(t as bad good Mother, Ham. Now might I do it pac,now he is praying, Hclpe.helpe.hoa. Hjperimj cu/les, the front of louehimfelfc, If it be made of penetrable ftuffe ; And how his Audit ftands.who knowes,faue Heauen: H**. Thou wretched, rafli, intruding foole farewell, And fo am I reueng'd : that would be fcann'd, eauen go. Exn. Hxm. Such an Aft An eye like Mars, to ti>rcten or command As Hell, wheteto it goes- My Mother ftayes, Qu, N ay , then llcfet thofe to you thai can fpeake. Oh limed foule, that ftrugling to he free. ThisPhyficke but prolongs thy fickly dyes. Pol. He will come ftraighc: King. My words flyevp.roy thoughts reroi Bonn our circuroftance and courfe of thought Thoufind'ft robe too bufie.is fome danger. Ham. Hownow,aRat?deadforiDucate,dead. Eater ^aeeae and Potaam. ders in the Index. $.. Why how now HUB/FT f Tic home with him : and am 1 then teueng'd. Cab Vertue Hypoaite, takes offche Rofe go. Come.coroe, you anfwer with an idle tongue. As item th body of Cootraaion plucke If damned Cuftooie haue not braz'd it fo, As Words without thoughts, neuer to Heauen gc That blurres the grace aod blufhofMode (lie, Yea this foBduy and compound mafic, Hanuftthm. Mother,mother. mother. Is thought-ficke at the ad. He tooke my Father groffcly, full of bread, From the faire forehead of an innocent loue, Pel. Oh I am flame. KUUt PoL->n itu *. //<s*/,ihou baft thy Father much offended. Pray you be round with him. Tell him bis prankes haue been too broad to beare with, A/ gaming, fweanng,or about forne a&e The very foule, and fwccte Religion makes boudge : Exit. Ham. Come,come,and(ityoudowne,youfhallnot All may be well. That it is proofe and bulwarke againft Seofe. Where cuery God did fcctne to fet hi Scale, As Meu, wneteco it goes, my iviotner itayes, Qu. Oh what a ra(h,and bloody deed is this ? In noife fo rude againft me ? Withdraw, I beare him comming. Or in th'inceftuous pleafure of his bed, Togiuethc \vorldsfiuratKcofa man. Nay I know not, is it the King? And makes a blifter there. Makes marriage vowes To heauen.Oh thii is hyre and Ssllery.not Rtuenge. Be foft as (inewes of the new-borne Babe, A rapfidie of words. Heauens lace doth glow, As falfea* Dicers Oathes. Oh fuch a deed, Ihis foule Sonne, do this fame Villaine fend Qu. AskJlaKing? rnainblow, Art more ingag'd : Hclpc Angels, make aflay : That ba's no rellifh of Siluation io't, See what a grace was feated on his Brow . Ham. Whau the matter now? Leaue wringing of your hands, peace, fit you downe, Aod let me wring your heart, for fo I (hall You are the Queene, your Husbands Brothers wife. Ham. Go,go,y ou queflion with an idle tongue. Then crip him, that, hit heele* may kicke it V Whai wilt thou do? thou wilt not murther me Looke you by home to hi m, With triflfull vifoge as againft the dootne, Ham Now Mother, what's the matter ? The counterfet preferment of two Brothers i Bow ttubbor nc knees,and heart with firings of Steelc Qu. Oh me.what haft thou done i Much heate.and him. Jle filence me e'en hefte : A Combination, and a forme indeed, iZL ^.What haue I done, that thou dar'ft wag tny tong, Ham. Mother,yoti haue my Father much offended. A VifUine k\lles my Father, and for that I tooke tbee for thy Betters, take thy Fortune, Ham. I Lady, 'twas my word. You go not till I fct you vp a glafle, To tikehim in the purging of his Soule, Ham, Looke hee vpon this Pi&ur,anii on this, And now 1 le doo't, and fo he goes to Heauen,




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    Beganaftefhaflaiih ] cannot tell but I am faint, lie drcyne him drie asHay : Hang vpon his Pent-houfe Lid : Rope. From Fiffe, great King, That he fectnes wrapt withall : 10 me you fpealc not. Things chat doc found fofaire ? I'trv'name of tniih I. A Saylors Wife had Cheftnuts in her Lappe, Afucbttk doth come. Wearie Seu'nights.nine times nine, Ten thoufjmJDollars.ro our genmll vfe. King. No more that Tkant of Cawdor (hall decciue z. All hajle M*d>tth,t\i\e to thee T*n ofCawdoi Which outwardly ye fhcw? My Noble Pattner ThitndfT. Enter tht three ITitcbti. Curbiii" his Liuifh fptnt and to conclude, And with hit former Title greet Mxbtth. By each at once her choppie finger laying j. AJJ haile M*t*tl, .that (halt be King hereafcer Yet it (hall be Tetnpeft-toft. TheTragedie Mae. Sp.eakeifyoufin: what tit you? And thrice agame.to make vp ojne. And fanne our people cold. NrrfAj himfelfe.with terrible numbers, My G^fhes cry for hclpe. Of Noble hauingjind of Royall hope. Wrackt.as homeward he did com*. Drum vitbm. And like a Rat without a tayle, K*r. What be haih loft, Noble Mactek hath wonne a. Shew me, (hew me. M*<b. So foule and fairea day I haue not feene. Thus doe goe, about, about, Scena Tertia. 3*. Sleepe (tall neychet Night oorDay Confronted him with felfe-tompaiifonj. So they doubly redoubled (troakes vpon the Foe : And yet ate on't > Liue you>or are you aught Pofters of the Sta and Land, Looke what I haue. But theNorvueyan Lord.furueymg fjntagc. 3*f . Good S.r.why doc you fiar t.and freme to f t fe you greet with prefem Grace.and great p That man may queftion > you feeme to vnderftand me, Aflirtcd by ihat inoft difloyall Trytor, Mai, The worthy Thane of Roffe. He fball hue a man forbid : Aroynt thce,Witch,the rumpe-fed Ronyon cry. Rtjjt. That now Sttfo^hv Norway** King, Her Husband's to Aleppo gone.Maftcto'th'TVffr.' JH. The weyward Sifter$,band in hand, So fhonld lit lookc,ihat fectncs to fpeakeihmgs ftraogt As Cannons oiief-charg'd with double Crat ks, Thou ghh is B ark e cannot be loft, Roffe God fauc he King. King Gieat hsppinefle. 5o wither'd, and fo wilde in their attyrc, j. And I another. Peace^tbe Charmc's wound vp. And the very Ports they blow, That you at fo. I'th* Ship-mans Card, Of memorize another Golgotha, 3. Sifler, where thou ? Our Bofome tntereR : Goe pronounce hit preJVot death Cranes 'composition Or the Hare, the Lyon: I. Th'art kinde. T . Here I hauc a Pilots Thumbe, They (mack of Honor both : Goe get funa Surgeon*. 1. Where haft thou beene,Sifter ? i. He glue thee a Winde. King. So well thy words become thee.as thy wound: The Viaoneftllonvj All the Quarters that they know, Ihdoe,lledoe,andlledoe. The Thane of Cawdor.begana dilmall Cooflua, t(ffe. lie fctr done Shall he dwindle. peake.and pine : Jf you can looke into the Seedes of Tim*, 'Bantjao. How farre ii't cali'd to Sons? What are thefe, Arc ye fantaftioll.or tliat indeed And yet your Btaids forbid me to imerprete xtu*t. Lenox. What ahafte lookes through his eyes? But in a Sync lie thither fayle, That looke not like thlnhabitants o'th'Earth, if I fay footh, I muft report they were With furbufhr A tme$,and new fupplyes of men, Vpon her sktnnie Lips : you fhould be Women, Where the Norwcyan Banners flowt the Skit, King. Difmay'd not this our Captemes.^/^f^it ant Till he disburfed,at Ssmt ("times ynch, 3. A Drumme. a Drumme: Enter Refft and Aigut. Giue me, quoth I. Till that "Bellmai Bride groome,\Jpt m proore, Nor would we deigne him boria!! of hii men, t. I my felfe haueaJI theothei, Point agamfl Point,rebellious Arnie 'gsmft Arme, Who comes here ? A'H<r. Whence cani'rt thou.worthy Thant f Cap. Ycs,asSp3rroiwes,Eagles; Thrice to thtne.and thrice to mine, Except they meant to bathe in recking Wounds, Enter Macbttb and B*nq*o. I. AD haile Matbtthbafo to th Tluw ofClamii 2. Killi/tg Swiue. And mouncht,& mounch^and mouncht :




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    And with fuch foberand vnnoted paffion lie once more feaft the Rafcals. Hedidoppofehis Foe: Were a fufficient briber for bis life. Ala. In vaine ( Seeing his Reputation touch'd to death, Tan. Be it not in cby care : Star. O my Lord,you onely fpeake from your difrra. Your words haue tooke fuch paines, as if they labour'd To kill, 1 grant, is finnesexireamefiGuft, Owes. Creditors ?Diuels. Ale. I am an humble Sutor to your Vcrtocs > * He has made too much plenty with him: And not endure all threats ? Sleepe vpon't, But <*ho is Man. that is not Angrie. If Wrongs be euillet, and inforce vs kill, Luc i*/ , LMcuBm, and Srmpromut ySarxa : All, Why do fond men ocpofe themfelues to Battell, On height of our difpleafure : Friend, or Brother, And be in debt to none : yet more to moue you, His dayes arefoule,and his drinke dangerous. Jor did he foyle the fact with Cowardice. Weigh but the Crime with this. And ne're prefc rrehis iniuries to his heart, Ale HonorjheaUh.and compaffion to the Senate. If there were no Foes, that were enough When Seels, and Factions were newly borne, If 1 fpeakelikeaCaptkine. t Se. My Lord, youhauc my royee, too'c, How full of valour did he beare himfelfe In the laft Confli A,and made plenteous wounds ? T<m Ilehaue.tfo. My Steward? As if he had but prou'd an Argument Tobe in Anger, n impietie : If by this Cnme.he owes the Law his life. Thai ftay at home , if Beating carry it : To reuenge is no Valour, but tobeare. * Moft true; the Law fhaljbruife 'cm. [t pleafes time and Fortune to lyeheauie 3ut with a Noble Fury, and faire fpirit, Such Valour in the bearing, what make wee Take my deferts to his, and toyne 'em both. witk Attendant. I Sen. You vndergo too ftrift a Paradox, The fellow loiden with Iroru,wifer then the lodge? Vpon a Friend of mine, who in hot blood \ .Sen. You cannot make grofle finne$ looke clee, Tis neceflary he fhould dye i I le pa wne my Victories, all my Honour to you T.m. So fitly t Go. bid all my Friends sgaioe What Folly 'tis, to hazard life for 111. Ot" Knaut t ooee more; my Cooke and 1 Ic prcuidcJE*rt Hath rtept into the Law ; which is part depth 4lsi. My Lord. And flaine in fight many of your enemies : Who cannot condemne rafhnefTe in told blood ' That often drowncs him,and takes his valour prifoncr. Without repugnancy ? If there be I charge t hcc, inuitc (hem all, let in the tide S'etp. MydeereLord. He's a fwornc Riotor, he has a finne And maVehis Wrongs, his Out-fides, derate Table. Aid. Hard fate : he might baue dyed in warn . To bring it into danger. And Honour in him,which buyes out his fault) To thofe that (without heede^J do plundge mioo't. And none but Tyrants vfe it cruelly. Valour mif.begot, and came into the world, To ouercome him. In that Beaflly furie, Though his right arme mighc purchafe his owne time. Sievt. Heere my Lord. The faults Bloody: He did bchooue his anger ere 'twas fpcnt, i We are for Law. he dyes, vrge it no more And for I know, your reuerend A ges loue Security, t What's that? But m defence, by Mercy, 'ris moft iuft. -le is a Man (fetung his Fate afide)of comely Venues , Aid. My Lords, then vnder faucur,pardon me, Vpon his good returnes. i He dyes. To bring Man-flaughter into forme, and fet Quarrelling rice's truly Valiant, that can wifely {offer His feruice done at Lacedemon.and Bizantium, As you are great, be pittifully Good, t.Stn. You breath in vaine. I NowCaptaine. IfWifedomcbein fuffering. Oh my Lords, And the AiTe, more Captaine then the Lyon ? My Lords, if not for any parts m him. Vpon the head of Valour ; which indeede cled foule ; there's not fo much left to, fumilh out a mo- To veare them like his Rayment, careleflcly , Tim. What if it Qiould be fo? And let the Foes quietly cut their Throats And cherrifh Factions. Tis inferr'd tovs, He" forfeits his owne blood, that fpilles another. He has bio knowne to commit outrages, Lnitr thru Stnaton M one doort, Altthmiet meeting ibrm, For pitty it the vertoe of the Law, Nothing imboldens finnc fo much,a$ Mercy. Ale. Muft it befor'Itmuft not bee: Ale. Why fay my Lords ha's done faire feruice, The worft that man can breach, lumg to make an vgly deed looke faire: For Law is ftricl, and Warre is nothing more. Star. MyLotd. Abroad? Why then, Women are more valiaftr, Why let the Warre receiue't rn valiant gore,




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    'rom whence 'tis nounfht : the fire i'thTlint rm. Imprifon'd is he, fay you ? The Bsfe o'th'Mount 1 our Condition. ""eriodshis comfort, Whom this beneath world doth embrace nd hugge 'he foot aboue the head. Rater Lord Timm, addrtflingbimfilfc cvrtftuflj I hauein this rough woikf,fhap'd out aroan climbe hii happinefTejWould be well expreft ~ cinke the free Ayte. In a wide Sea of wax, no leuell'd malice ?*m. I marry, what oft hefe? Liues in thefc coutches, liuelier then life. hewei not, tiJI it be ftrookc t our gentle flame Pet. A jrwrable: How this grace am not of that Feather , to (hake off tomfrj Surer. To Aftrtn*iiu, that tew things loues better ThU Throne .this Fortonc.and this Hill me thinkw fnter cert/lift Senas arj. Moft rich in Tiimnt nod. Which he fliall haue. lie pay the debt, and free him. V hich labour cl afcer him to theMountatnei top, iis meancs mott fhoi t, his Creditors moft ftraitc: P*i*. I fw ihem fpeake together. But to fupporthim after. Fare you well. Oldm L ord T'tmtm ,heare me fpeakc. Tis not enough to helpc iheFeeblc vp, Oldm. Thou haft Struant nam'd Lucilim. It Tutors Nature, Artificial! fliife rouokes it felfe, and like the currant Syes ^ fliew Lord Tflawr.chn roeane eyes haue feene One do J perfonate of Lord Ta*~> frame, A1J fortt of hearts; yea.from the glalTe-fac'dPlatterer Then to abhorre himfelfe ; euen hee drops downe 'Fwgn'dFortune to be thron'd. With Is rank'd with all defertj, all kinde of Natures owing hit head agamft the fteepy Mount Aote pregnantly then words. Yet you do wll , OfGraueand auflerc qualitie, tender downe Wef. Imy good Lord, fiue Talents it his debt, ome better then his valew ; onthe momenc But flies snfaglf flighr, bold.andforihon, That labour on the bofome of this Sphere, Poei. J will fay of .c, Ptet. WhenFortune in her (hift and cHmge of mood Tatt. So 'tis, thu comes off well^nd czccJJcQt. Heeie is a touch : h't good? Whole prefen t giace, toprefent Qaues and feruants Peei. 1 will vnbouli to you. Tranflaiet his Riuaja. l/ifccls one comma in the courfe 1 hold. ~"uen on their knees and hand, let him fit downe, Whom Fortune with her luory hand wafts to her, fttu. Lookemoe. fm eye fnootts forth? How bigee imaginatioo To thofe haue (hut him vp, which failing, Pitin. Howfh!l I vnderftandyou? piKv.es dovne her latebeloued ;.aJI his Dfpendancs Tim. Commend me to him,! will fend his rtnfome, Subdues and properties to his loue and tendance sine SacrihViall whifpenngs io his ene, fiun Indifferent. Leading no Tracl behinde. Pain. How this Lord is followed. P*i*. T'S common : One might interpret. Mf. All happinefle to your Honor. Exit four Honourable Letter he deflrcs Their feruice* to Lord Timan :hislrgePottune, With^mpleft entertainment -.My free dtifi .lake Sacred euen hi: flyrrop, and through bim r,m. Noble fMtNfev.wcU: tfy Friend when hemuftueedc me. I do know him The knee before him, and rtumes in peace Ptf.You fee thu conBuence.this great flood of Tj/ltors And being enfranchized bid him come to me j ach bound it chafes. What haue you there? As well of glib and flipp'ry Creatures, as W ith one roan becken'd from the refl below, Port. TheSenatorsof Athens, happy men. Trmtf 'tit found. Ptot. A Picture fir : when comes yourBooke forth ? Halts not particularly, but moues it felfc Pttt. NaySir.butheateineon: Jot one accompanying his declining foot. To propagate thf u ftstes ; among'ft them all, Pet . Vpon the heele* of my ptefeotment fir. at (lull demonftnic thefe quicke bloww of Fortunes, [oues m thu Lip, to ih'dumbnefle of the gcftur, eaket hii owne ftnding : what a mentall power P*t*. It is a prttty mocking of the Fife : TIM. Freely good Father. Pfia. TiiagoodPeee*. houfand moraHPaintines I can (hew, 81 A Gentleman,thai well deferues a helpe, Poet. Sir.I hauevpon ahighandpleafanthJH You fee how all Conditions, how all Mindet, Ti'w of Athens. et'tfeeyoqrpeece. *Tcf. Your Lotdfaip cuet bindes him. F** Tjjconceyq'd.tofcop* Vpon his good and gracious Nature hanging, Whofe eyes are on this Soueraigne Lady fixt, olio\v his flrtdes, his Lobbies fill with tendance, Enters* old Atbtnino. 11 thole which were his Fellowes bur oflate,




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