• 9 rota download hacked gameplay


    9 rota download hacked gameplay

    Name: 9 rota download hacked gameplay
    Category: Download
    Published: swicbapali1982
    Language: English
























    Sfer. Oh welcome OxforJ,(ot we want thy helpe, And he (hall pardon thee thefe Outrages ? and Seuldieri. Mourn. Kick.Jhou and thy Brother both (hall buy this Treafoo That Clarence is fo har(h,fo blunt .vmiaturali, And Henry is my King, Wanwflk his Subicct, uen now we heard ths newcs : ah.coald'ft thou five. Who gaoc his blood co lyme the ftones together, That glewes my Lippcs,and will not iet me fpeakc. War. 1 had rather chop this Hand off at a blow , Haue fold their Liues vnto the Houfe of Trkf t Or did he make the leaft agsinft his will ? Thy teares would wafh this cold congealed blood, This Hand.faft wound about thy coale-black hayr*, Wee'lc quickly rowze the Traitors in the fame. *r*r. Twas I that gauc the Kingdomc to diy Bro- For IVwieke bids you all farewell,to meet in Heauen. With whom.in vpright zealetoright } preuailes I veil might heare, deliuered with a groanc, E<bt, Sayle how thou canft, &l. Why then 'tis mine^fbnt by Varvickfj gift. Flatrfi. Enter King Edward in tr.tmfb, m/6 Rich. See how the Curly (Tanvickt mans the Wall. And with the othcr,fiing it at thy face, That mought not be diftinguifht : but at laQ The Qjieene from France hath brought a puiHant power. tycA. Ala s.that w*ntckc had no more fore-caft, War. Then Cltrtneels at hand,! heate his Drumme. Sater Mount apttpitb DnttataetudC!Mtrt t !f not, the Cirie being but of froall defence, Call EdtoarJ King,and at his hands begge Mercy, Etch. Com* Waraiickf, x>nfe(fc who fet thee rp.snd pluckt thee downe, I will not ruinate ray Fathers Houfe, Rich. 1 thought at lead he would haue (aid the King, Enter. Oxfordjti;b Druamu tad dltttrt. Lad thou (halt fti 11 remaine the Duke of Yorke. nr*r. Who fliould that be?belike vnlook'd for friends Rub. The Gates are open .Is t vs enter too. But whiles he thought to fieale the /ingle Ttn, Take che time, kneelc downe, kneele downe : Oh farewell trurwickt. Vtr. Oh cbearefullColours.fce where Oxford The ttird<PartofKjngHe7ttytbeSixt. Sent. Somerfet Corner (it ,fot Eater CUrenetjKttbDnmantmd Cohort. far. Nay rather,wilt thou draw thy forces heoce. Stand we to good array : for they no doubt "he Drcd vour Honor heares.rnarcheth from Warwickf. Ed. So other foes may fet vpon our backs. My miode prcfagetb happy gaine,and Cqnqueft. mcnt. At Southam I did leaue him with his forces, Thou lou'ft me not : for.Brother.if thou didfl, Acd gallant irannckf,doebut aafvver this, What is the Body,when the Head is off' Come quickly Moiunague,at I am dead. Rich. Two of thy Name,both Dukes of Sorocrfet, And fei vp Lancaftrr. Why .troweft thou, fTarvtckf, Call ifarmekt Patron.and be penitent, You left poore Henry at the Bifhops Pallace, Mercb. Ftwnfh. MerEdard,Ricb*rd, peakc gentle words ,and humbly bend thy Knee, War. Thou ftit no jttLu for fo great a weight : And Weakeling, 'Vxrvicke takes his gift agaioc, tfto.&nd Ioe,where George of Clarence fweepes along, dv. The rurder matcht.the greater ViAorie And with thy Lippes kecpe in my Soule a while. Flye Lords, and faue your felucs, Sooteru. They treat hand.andyoulhallqaicklyknow. To bend the fatal! Instruments of Wane (Tone. Sweet reft hj$ Soule :' And to the lateXt gafpe.cry'd out fot Watvic^ .- Haue Wmde and Tyde thy ftiend, Looke here.I throw my infamie at thee : Oxf. Away ,away,to meet the Quecnes great power. ^7r.Fatherof Warwick.know you what thismcanw? Here thtj hart *w*y bii "Body. mor. Come CUreace.crtntt : thou v.'ilt,if Warwickf call. And more he would haue faid,and more he fpokr , Of force enough to bid his Brother Battaile : Write in the dufl this Sentence with thy blood, Vherc (lept our Scouts, or how are they feduc'd, And faid,Commend me to my valiint Brother. Rich. I,by my faith.for a poore carle to giue, If thou be there.fwect Brother,takc my Hand, dw. Now W4nw^f,wilt thou ope the Citie Gates, d. Bui Worvickti King is Edvuadt Prifonzr: Ic doe thee feruice for fo good a gift. The King was flyly fingcfd from the Deck : Emer S finer fet. witb Druaane attd Calvtn. Then beare fo low a fay!e,to (rrikc to dice. And thou (halt be the ibtrd,if this Sword hold. Eucn with the dearcft blood your bodies bcue. Shall.wluics thy Head is warme, and new cut off, tram. Why then I would not Bye. Ah MOUMO&* War. Is not a Dukedome,Sir, goodly gift ? Sam. Ah K'jrwtckstMwntague hzch breath'd hit laft, Will iflueout againe, and bid vs bat wile ; Nay when ? (hike now.or clfe the Iron codes. And tenne to one you'le meet him in the Tower. V*r. Oh trnbid fpight.is fponfuil Edward come ? Oxf. Oxfrrd.Oxf9rd,faL*cller. Wind-changing yarwicke now can change no mere. And doe expcft him here fome two howres hence. More then the nature of a Brothers Loue. 'hat we could heare no newes of his reoayre. Someru. It is not his.my Lord.here Southaro lyes : Which founded like a Cannon in a Vault, Ed. Goe,Trumpet,to the W^IIs,and found a Parle-




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